I am elated to share with you the 2024 Water!! Magazine Issue 4. In 2017 I created National Black Poetry Day to celebrate black poets, black artist,black history month, and commemorate
Langston Hughes on his birth-date Feb 1.
In 1926 Langston Hughes, Zora Neale Hurston, Wallace Thurman, Aaron Douglas, Richard Bruce Nugent, Gwendolyn Bennett, and John P. Davis created Magazine Fire!! Only one issue was ever made. Water!! Magazine pays homage and starts as a new literary voice for African-American creatives. Published once a year on National Black Poetry Day February 1st. .
Poets, Artist who contribute work to Water!! Magazine keep %50 of magazine sales
they make. Nzinga LeJeune publishing keeps the other %50 which goes towards
printing, publishing, marketing, and shipping.
Send $20 for current issue printed copy (shipping included) Paypal and $Cashapp accepted.
$Lejeu313 add mailing address in notes or purchase directly from artist.
Advertising opportunities, corrections, poetry submissions, general feedback, or make money and become an artist distributor please email watermagazine.poets@gmail.com
Water!! Magazine Available February 1st, 2024.
Please Pre-Order.
Thank you for your support!